Click hereTo create an account, follow these steps:
- Please create the account in the CLIENT's name (for parents - this is your CHILD's name)
- Separate profiles must be created for each client
For Existing Clients:
- Use the email address associated with the client's account (this is the email you receive reminders to)
- Please create the account in the CLIENT's name (for parents - this is your CHILD's name)
- Separate profiles must be created for each client
For Multiple Children:
- Multiple accounts can be created using the same email address, however the passwords must be different for each child
- Please create the account in the CLIENT's name (for parents - this is your CHILD's name)
- Separate profiles must be created for each client
Booking for Next Chapter Navigators OR Prepable follow these steps:
- Select 'Book A Class'
- Select BEC as the provider
- Navigate to the class START date
- Login/Create Profile
- Please create the account in the CLIENT's name (for parents - this is your CHILD's name)
- Separate profiles must be created for each client
- Complete Booking