Please note that new clients cannot book online with Dr Amelia, Dr Kaya and Letitia. If you are an existing client, email the clinic to request booking with these clinicians.
You will be asked to create a profile to make the booking. Please use the PATIENT'S name for the profile, for example if the appointment is for your child, please make SURE you use your child's name.
If you can not find the time you want, you can email the clinic and ask to be placed on a waitlist.
Please make sure you check our price list on the website, or by calling the clinic, before making a booking. Please note there is at least $150 out of pocket fees, even if you bring a mental health care plan. We are not a bulk billed clinic.
You can cancel your booking up to 7 days before your appointment. Cancellations with less than one week's notice, will incur fees. You can read our cancellation policy on our website.